
发表。by Chandler Bolt

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Because I've seen it work so many times! Dozens of members of our community have turned their dream of writing & publishing their first book into a reality with Chandler…”

Hal Elrod,奇迹早晨的作者 - 已翻译成27种语言,拥有超过2,000个五星级的亚马逊评论,并在70多个国家/地区的50万人每天进行。亚播体育官网


迈克尔凯悦,纽约时报畅销作者 - 前首席执行官托马斯纳尔逊出版社
  • 我的3步方法将您从空白页面到粗略的草稿,在不到一周内完成(在1/10的时间里写一个更好的书)
  • How to save $1,000's of dollars in the editing & book production process...在预算中制作“传统发布的质量”书。
  • 我的证明步骤for building buzz for your book ahead of your launch
  • 4 launch strategies you can use to successfully launch your book...even if you don't have an audience, or any marketing skills
  • 如何在发布后保留书籍销售
  • 您可以使用您的书来推动您的产品和服务产品的销售方式
Writing a book can be a frustrating, painful process...especially if it's your first time. I've watched people struggle through this process (for years) the hard way, and I've also taught 1,000's of people to breeze through this process the easy way. The shortcuts, templates, and lessons I've learned are found in this book. Which way will you choose?
Hurry, this FREE Book Offer Won't Last Long!
介绍发表。- The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author...
Here Are A Few Of The Things You'll Learn Inside This FREE Book...
  • How a 20 page PDF turned into my first published bookthat brought in $6,639.84 in the first month...-pg。10.
  • 传统出版 - 暴露。I expose the truth about the publishing industry and the answer to the question "traditional or self-published?" (this is going to tick some people off)-PG 30.
  • 11.limiting beliefs that keep 99% of people from ever writing their book- and how to beat them (Hint: You're probably suffering from at least 5 of these)-pg。33
  • 4 ways to come up with a book idea(even if you have no clue what to write about)-pg。46.
  • 当你有太多书的想法时该怎么办(以及我选择第一个书写的书的3个步骤过程)-pg。48.
  • 我的3个击败空白页面的步骤(当您完成此帖时,您的书实际上会写自己)-pg。51.
  • 我对问题的回答:“我的书应该多久了?”(包括其他书籍特定于其类型的其他书籍的例子)-pg。62.
  • 有史以来唯一的两份写作规则(认真地,如果你忽略这些,那么你会花几年写你的书!)-pg。64.
  • What to do when you have a mental breakdown after reading your first draft......恰好是我们最好的;更好地做好准备。:)-pg。78.
  • My job posting template for hiring a good editor......这个单独会拯救你1000美元的美元,让你雇用一个坏人!-pg。86
  • Tips for coming up with a perfect book title -pg. 91
  • The Anatomy Of A Winning Book Cover(提示:“良好的”和“畅销书”书籍封面之间有区别-pg。96
  • Shotgun vs rifle book marketing... the "less is more" approach to successfully launching your book-pg。111.
  • 7 steps to creating a launch team for your book -pg. 118
  • 如何在启动-pg之前为您的书构建嗡嗡声。129.
  • 使用您的书毫不费力地构建受众(以及电子邮件列表)。This tip brought in 3,354 leads & $92,228.50 within 55 days of launching one of my books!!-pg。136.
  • 4 step-by-step launch plans for your book...刷卡这些“即插即用”启动计划,以保证您的书籍发布的成功-pg。149.
  • My proven process for getting the MAXIMUM amount of reviews on your book(includes follow-up templates!)-pg。183.
  • 我的叫醒电话...为什么你真的需要写下你的书(可能不是你思考的原因)-pg。191.
Check What Our Readers & Students Are Achieving...


Lance Knaub从企业主管和物理治疗师转过身来成为一名教练 - 并且没有更好的方法可以让一本书作为名片!


Since publishing his book he poured "lighter fluid" into his coaching and consulting business - generating more than $100,000 in revenue from speaking and consulting sales!

He says that a book is the best business card you could have (it costs $3 and there's no better credibility)
Here's What To Do Next...
Like I mentioned before, this book is FREE. All I ask is that you hep me cover the printing & postage costs of $7.95 anywhere in the U.S.! (slightly more for international)
There Is No Catch!




2。我希望别人(你)拥有同样的经历... finally publishing your first book without the wasted time, wasted money, and unnecessary frustration.






I'm mailing you a 205 page book, "Published. - The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author" (retails at $14.95) for FREE. Yes, this book is free...all you pay is $7.95 for shipping / handling anywhere in the U.S.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... no hidden fees... or recurring charges.

I believe in this book that much. And I want you to have it. I know you'll love it!

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